Here are a few of my favorite things, just a few for the start...
I love reading. I really, really, really love reading. Very fun when you are moving cross country ( or internationally ) , but it's definitely a part of my treasure chest.
old things.
I love antiques. Always have, always will. there is something about a piece that radiates centuries of life, filled with stories. This broach is mom's side of the family heirloom. It has long and intersting history. I will share it, just not today.
I love capturing moments. Very much like dance happens in moving from one pose to another, life happens in between the stills. I hope to leave a trace of our life for my kids to turn back to when they are older. I may not have been the best at posting it, but I DO have a great camera, that I love and typically use.
It's my therapy. It's my life. It's me for what I am. I become alive when I dance. I dream of choreography pieces, run to celebrate or seek refuge in my studio. I am more then ecstatic that my BOY shares my love for it. I am one lucky ( and proud) mamma.
I have more, but for today I'll leave it at this.
What are your favorite things? Even if just one? I'd love to hear! Really would.
Люблю читать книги... Очень люблю. Люблю танцевать, слушать классику, люблю фотографировать наших детей-это что-то!!! Люблю их улыбки, их запах, их смех. Люблю наших детей... Отдыхаю, когда пишу дневник, и нахожу в этом спокойствие. Люблю находить прекрасное в людях, с которыми общаюсь. Испытываю необыкновенное блаженство, находясь в церкви. И абсолютно растворяюсь при виде моря. Люблю бродить по берегу в одиночестве и слушать шум волн.