March 02, 2009

A riddle ...

Very tired...
Smelling like sour milk...
Tripping over blankets...
Put cell phone in the fridge...
With spit up all over me...
And many pinches on my neck...
MIlk stains all over the shirt at my boobs...
Extremely sleep deprived...

Who Am I?

A very happy new mom of three, who is in LOVE with her newest, squirmiest, loudest and the most kissable baby!


  1. The things we do for the ones we love most...:) Sometimes the best things in life are also difficult (or at least messy).

    We need to get together some time!

  2. You're so cute Olya. It's been a long time since I read your blog! i cannot believe it. hahaha. I'm tired too. Still getting up several times a night with ivy, trying to help her fight this dang cold that WON'T go away since we moved back to boston. Goes away, comes back, all within a couple days. So, I'm tired ALL the time and can't think most of the time. I swear I'm the most boring and crazy mom ever b/c of it. This sleep thing? Man, it stinks. But these precious babies? Man, they AMAZING! love you. v


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