December 31, 2011

A year soon to end...

A year is soon to come to an end... A wonderful year, as each year was in the past. All in their own , unique and therefore perfect way. This year may not have been the best in the blogging - I was on sabbatical - but the coming one is full and rich of many things that I hope you'll find helpful, meaningful and inspirational.

As a mother, I find this year to be too fast - children grow up too soon, think for themselves too much, and make my life be sooo enjoyable because of them. As a dancer , I find this year to be so rich - so many roles and performances, so many choreographers and directors, and first recognized works... As a simply normal person, I find this year to be full of new opportunities, new open doors and good changes.  I am truly blessed and grateful. In joy and gratitude and with great expectations,  may the new year start...


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