Can you guess what WE have been doing lately?
Yep, we are that lucky!
It is no secret that I am a BIG ( like HUGE) fan of baby wearing ( you can find it here and here) . And it is a must to have some good accessories for it.
I am not strictly a "wrap" or "carrier" person. I think it's important to have both.
I love MyCarrier, but for the days I am not on planning on putting the baby on and want to bring my Xplory ( say, i'm running to a meeting or rehearsal, and need a place to put the baby down), it is SO EASY to just throw a wrap into my bag, and fish it out when I need it.
I had about 100 wraps between my all kids, until I found Solly.
Solly Baby wraps are thin, breathable and light yet extremely STURDY ( 3 y/o toddler-proof), that WILL. NOT. BLEED on your clothes during hot and steamy summer. You know those lovely colored streaks you get on your white tee? None of that with Solly.
Add to it "all organic, bamboo, natural dyes" combines with very affordable price - and Solly Baby Wrap is a must have for ANY new or not so new mama.
And If you haven't seen her A-MAZING striped wrap ( that I am a very happy owner of ) RUN!
or put yourself on wait-list if necessary, this is the hottest seller
of the year in the baby wrap world , and I am suspecting - considering
the rate of popularity - it will be making it appearance during
Fashion's Night Out and FW in Fall.
Keep you eyes open!
And note the Freshly Picked moccasins beautifying those little chubby dangling feet. Aren't they the cutest ever? Kardashians think so too.
Honestly, I have the coolest friends ever.

Hello there baby!
ReplyDeleteHi, love babywearing but wondering till what age you can use the solly wrap! I have a 3 month old she hates the ring sling AND the pouch sling. Wondering if it's too late and will she like this one?
ReplyDeleteI love my solly wrap! Thanks Olya, for given me an idea to have it. My baby is 5 month old today and we both love this sling!!! I ordered solly baby here in november. Resived it so quickly, that was surpised! I have 3 slings and this is the best for my back and for my baby.Love, love, love this one.