May 06, 2013

All things beautiful. ART

Art is and has always been for me a point of fascination, curiosity, admiration, personal growth. I couldn't put it better myself, but the following re-phrasing essentially summarizes what I think and love about art.

"Art is like magic. Out of plain and worthless canvas with addition of some ink , something beautiful and breath-taking is created that turns contemporary society upside down."

The mind of an artist , for me, is an endless quest for understanding that may never be completed, but one learns much about self and one's personal journey while on that path.  I can spend hours at a time day after day by a beautiful work and never tire of it.

The video below has grabbed my attention. It's simply fascinating. What are the world's 10 most expensive paintings, why and how much are they? I didn't know the answer before, but I am blown away by this documentary. 

what are your thoughts?

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