March 03, 2010

When it snows...

So, it's snowing again. I love snow. As a matter of fact, I always loved winters. But I love the full of snow, cold, crispy, but filled with sunshine days.

The last few days were so nice and spring like ( after all , it IS March. In Europe spring starts with March 1st) , made us realize that the "winter-loving mood" is over, and we are ready to come out of our hibernation, put bright and light coats on, substitute heavy boots for spring shoes, and soak in all the new life. So, naturally, it is a little disappointing that today I woke up to a gloomy day and cooler weather.

The good part is, that since it is cold and wet, we'll stick to the inside for 1/2 a day, make something beautiful , and then something tasteful. Enjoy visitors for tea. And then go meet up with some more for coffee and book reading. And we'll top it off with the Met before the plans for the evening. Some gloomy days may actually turn out to be pretty good on the second glance.

What do you like to do on a gloomy , rainy day?

1 comment:

  1. It's still raining here. Maybe I'll bake something also. I love rainy days so I can have a good excuse to stay inside and drink hot cocoa.


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