February 20, 2013


baby bath time


what can there be more important then the baby bath time?!  
 just kidding - there is 1001 thing that can be more important, but do agree - bath time, especially for the first time is pretty ridiculously important, be it your first baby, fifth, a newborn, a toddler or a little child. 
here is a little list of some natural care products that i found and grew to love over time. and also - LOOK AT THAT FOLDABLE BABY BATH! city dweller's dream! i am so sincerely happy to learn about this new addition to Stokke's impressive list. 

on the other note - please, send some good wishes and say an extra prayer in my and baby's direction. we had another u/s yesterday, and while all looked great, there was an unclear point. the technician assured that there was nothing to worry about, and in 99% of the cases, even if there is an issue, it will resolve itself within the next few weeks, i cannot help myself, but worry. i've never dealt with this type of information ( although it is very possible that i simply was not made aware of such things in previous pregnancies, but sent to another u/s. different doctors say more/less then others )
please, send some good energy our way!

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