March 04, 2010

If mentioning food , then

I should say that we absolutely been loving the winter season for the multitude of veggies. Although, technically zucchini is a fruit, I still love the less sweet taste and some wonderful things that can be done with it.

Here is one of them :
2 large zucchini
4 oz feta cheese, nut cheese, brie, farmer's cheese
Green onions and dill
5-6 cherry tomatoes
Seasonings to taste
Cut zucchini in half. Scoop the inside part out. Cut and mix with your version of cheese. Cut cherry tomatoes and fill the zucchini boats back up. Then you can either send them to a dehydrator for 5-6 hours, or into the oven ( if you want them baked), depending on the cheese, from 20 to 45 minutes. Decorate, and make sure to not eat the plate.


  1. that sounds yummy yummy! I love zucchini. When we plant our garden in a few weeks, I plan on planting at least two zucchini plants.

  2. That's so easy and it sounds delicious! Even I would eat that veggie.

  3. That sounds really, really yummy. I'm going to the store today - I think I'm going to pick up the stuff to make this! Thanks!


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