February 22, 2013

HAPPY WEEKEND! { plus wishes and reality }

...and that picture about sums up this week the best i could ever say. 
i laughed yesterday night as i compared my plans with actual happenings, but nonetheless it still was a pretty fun one. 

this week we :
*attended two beautiful exhibits ( one caught just in time before it closed, and the other one is closing this week, if you are in the area - we highly recommend it! i personally can't wait for this one to start)

* went to a ballet performance to see some friends ( closes this weekend too), so beautiful and inspirational. and i cried next day in class because i rubbed my feet raw and still did not achieve what i was trying for. this little growing belly of mine has tempered with my turns. temporary, i know - happens every time,  and only a dancer will probably understand the drama behind this all. but still - one truly appreciates the magnificence of a human body in "can't-do-this-right-now" situations. i talked myself into smiling again by switching gears into appreciating the magnificence of my body for growing a little human in it ( which is a big achievement of itself) and then still being able to do most of my 'usuals', pointe shoes and all.

*had another routine ultrasound, and were amazed  - yet again - at the growth and progress our little baby made in just a few short weeks. mind blowing. (we accidentally found out the sex last u/s - here is a little video us sharing , in case you missed it)

*had cheese fondue for dinner 3 times this week. somehow fondue associates with "happy" in my mind, and we were thrilled with the first half of this week's amazing weather ( it got to 50s! which is like sahara weather comparing to what we had last 2 months)

*and then it snowed yesterday. so we spend almost an entire half a day at the indoor playground with friends. and i discovered that i have a tiny vicious little runner that went wild when finally unleashed from the stroller. ( she usually sleeps older ones are playing and decided to make up for time lost. the photo stream is to follow because i really want to keep this in my memory), and i may or may not have had just as much fun playing along. 
i'm feeling like a baking/fun food making mood. who knows what it turns to, but if we come up with something interesting, i'll be sure to share!

{go do something arts-related! it's very relaxing and inspirational at the same time} 


  1. such happy gorgeous photographs.. love the ones on the slide..

  2. haha, love that expectations/reality picture. Story of my life. :)

    PS, your family is adorable!


    1. thank you so much :) and yeah - my life is really in that "reality" mode :) for about 90% of the time :)

  3. Olya, when you find the time to put make-up nails))) I need to refresh it every day - so much of every day work ...

    1. Lena! Gel nail polish! ( gelevij LAK, ne gelevie nogti). Ya kupila sebe lak, lampu i nevozmozhno dovolna! Manikyur derzhitsya 2-3 nedeli, kak novenkij, nogti ne lomayutsya, i ruki vsegda krasivie. Delayu sama - iznachal'no zaplatila $75 (nashimi cenami) za ves' nabor. Sdelat' gelevij manikur u nas stoit $45- $50. ya za pervie 2 raza okupila storicej svoi iznachalnie rashodi. Uzhe god kak raduyus :)

  4. ооо, прикольно!!! в последнее время все думаю о гелевых ногтях, в смысле, что-то сделать такое, чтобы с ними постоянно не замарачиваться, но не хотелось именно эито наращивание делать. Даже не слышала о таком геле. А можешь дать ссылку на него, какой ты брала - хочу почитать, и что за набор? может есть какой-то сайт, где можно заказать это все? у нас в продаже точно не видела...

    1. Lena! Special'no dlya tebya post - ssilki ne rabotayut pochemu-to v commentariyah :) No zato v novom poste i ssilki i instrukciya, kak delat'! :)


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