February 02, 2012

A few of my favorite things

 When I first got married and became a mother, my biggest fear of all was to lose myself in all of the dIapering/changing/feeding/cleaning routine. I wowed to myself that no matter what, I will take time every day for ME I love my crazy busy life filled with laughs, screams, doll playing, pitter - patter feet, science experiments, and more. But I think it makes me... a better mother, a nicer friend, a wife when I continue to grow as a person, as a self, as an individual.

Here are a few of my favorite things, just a few for the start...


I love reading. I really, really, really love reading. Very fun when you are moving cross country ( or internationally ) , but it's definitely a part of my treasure chest.

old things. 

I love antiques. Always have, always will. there is something about a piece that radiates centuries of life, filled with stories. This broach is mom's side of the family heirloom. It has long and intersting history. I will share it, just not today.


I love capturing moments. Very much like dance happens in moving from one pose to another, life happens in between the stills. I hope to leave a trace of our life for my kids to turn back to when they are older. I may not have been the best at posting it, but I DO have a great camera, that I love and typically use.


It's my therapy. It's my life. It's me for what I am. I become alive when I dance. I dream of choreography pieces, run to celebrate or seek refuge in my studio. I am more then ecstatic that my BOY shares my love for it. I am one lucky ( and proud) mamma.

I have more, but for today I'll leave it at this.

What are your favorite things? Even if just one? I'd love to hear! Really would.

1 comment:

  1. Люблю читать книги... Очень люблю. Люблю танцевать, слушать классику, люблю фотографировать наших детей-это что-то!!! Люблю их улыбки, их запах, их смех. Люблю наших детей... Отдыхаю, когда пишу дневник, и нахожу в этом спокойствие. Люблю находить прекрасное в людях, с которыми общаюсь. Испытываю необыкновенное блаженство, находясь в церкви. И абсолютно растворяюсь при виде моря. Люблю бродить по берегу в одиночестве и слушать шум волн.


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